Collection: 1944-2024 Heritage Collection

Legacy designs to celebrate our unique history as the FIRST task-organized, trained and equipped Paratroop unit in the US Army Air Forces

03 Feb 1944:

19th Weather Squadron Parachute Detachment personnel were placed on detached service with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS)

06 June 1944:

21st Weather Squadron S/Sgts Robert Dodson and Charles Staub jumped and Corporals Eugene Levine and Warren Wolf rode gliders into Normandy, France with the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions

Early 1945:

10th Weather Squadron Weather Observers S/Sgts Allan Cross and Neil Gray were placed on detached service with OSS Detachment 404 in Kandy, Ceylon

17 June 1945:

S/Sgt Neil Gray jumped into Burma as part of the OSS Pilot I mission 

"Serving Proudly Since WWII"

Official USAF Logo Items are in development and currently awaiting licensing approval

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